Announcements     App Update 10/2/2020

2020-10-02 08:42

App Update 10/2/2020

Hi everyone, today we are releasing a new version of the app with a fair number of changes.

What's New in this Release?

  • New Layout of the Roast Screen
    • New Right Side Navigation Bar: We have moved all popups and secondary windows of the Roast Screen to a new slide out navigation bar on the right hand of the screen. Here you will now find Roast Details, Targets, Undelays, Live Roast, and Display Settings as well as the save and discard buttons. We will be further refining the content here in the next update.
    • Fan, Fuel, and Drum Adjustment Recording: We are introducing a beta version of a new slide-up display at the bottom of the chart which maps fuel, fan, and drum adjustments made throughout the roast. This display can be accessed by tapping the UP arrow on the right side of the bar. If you have a Modbus connection on your roaster, this area will automatically display your adjustments by reading them from your roaster. If your roaster is connected via a Phidget, you will be able to record your adjustments manually by tapping the icon next to the fan, fuel, and drum readouts on the bar.
    • This is our first iteration for both of these Roast Screen updates and our team is already in process of improving the layout, usability and function within these two areas for the next release. We’re pushing this out to you earlier than we might normally because the memory and updates below are going to make a larger impact on the app and we wanted you to have that update ASAP.

  • Performance Improvements
    • Improved Responsiveness: We have been working on optimizing our memory usage which in return keeps the app more responsive.
    • Minimizing Timeout Issues: Some users with a Modbus connection were experiencing timeouts resulting in messy charts and inaccurate RoR. This issue has been improved and can be further addressed by adjusting the reading frequency in the Display Settings (found in the new right side navigation bar). This setting allows you to adjust the length between requesting values from Modbus resulting in less timeouts and a smoother experience. For example, setting a reading frequency of once every 3 seconds, rather than every second, may help with Modbus timeouts.

Known issue with this update for Modbus users

If you have a Modbus roaster, your KPa will be off by one decimal point until we get all our roaster configuration updated. To display an accurate reading in KPa you will need to go to your roaster configuration by clicking the machine name, and then click View Roaster Config (this will link you to the Portal). Select Custom Configuration and find your “Gas Pressure” reading. The OffsetFormula needs to be changed from (x/100) to (x/1000).

We are working on adjusting our ‘standard’ configurations for roasters. Each roaster can be a little different so we are actively working on a new way to create and distribute roaster configurations to meet everyone’s specific needs.







2020-10-08 09:30

I wanted to use it for a couple sessions before responding, but the new improvements are really great. The slide up display is a stroke of genius and definitely not something I would have thought of. Not having to record adjustments manually is a game changer, and the fact that you managed to chart three more variables without cluttering up the main display is really, really, reeeeeeealllllly nice. I also haven't run into any issues since adjusting the reading frequency, so thank you for adding that in.

Three minor issues I've noticed:

-The markers for events (TP, Green-to-Yellow, etc.) are falling slightly above or below the bean pile temp curve. I'm also noticing the markers read a few degrees higher or lower than the actual curve (ex. GtY will be at 305 on the marker, but the curve will read 299 and 301 on either side). Is this a configuration issue on my end?

-Is there any way to get the hertz to display to single decimal places instead of 13 (ex. 44.1 instead of 44.0999984741211)? It's a small thing, but it does clutter things up visually.

-I'm noticing a discrepancy between my gas control readout and RoastPath. For instance, the gas control will read 1.13 but RoastPath will register it as 1.2. It isn't super consistent, but for the sake of repeatability of roasts, it may pose a problem. Is that a RoastPath issue or is that just a calibration issue between my control and transducer?

FYI: I'm using Configuration V3 - Phidget for BT, Modbus for everything else.

Please don't register any of these things as complaints. It goes against my brain to nitpick, but I'm digging to provide feedback on any small things I notice since there are no glaring functionality issues. Overall, the program has become easier to use, fuller featured, and more reliable over the course of a roasting session. I've really enjoyed it this week. Bravo, guys.



2020-10-09 11:10

Hey Swift and Finch,

Thank you for your kind feedback. I have added tasks to look into the issues you've mentioned.






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