RoastPATH® Help     "No COM Ports Detected"

2021-01-14 18:16

"No COM Ports Detected"

Hello, I need some help! My computer that I usually use for RoastPATH went kaput this week, so I pulled out my big old 2012 laptop which has been updated to the latest version of Windows 10 and downloaded RP onto it. Everything looked good, so I ended up ordering a Mac for my new computer thinking I could just use this old computer for RP and be fine. That MAY have been a big mistake because I tried connecting it to the roaster today (I roast on a MCR500 with modbus config), and it wouldn't communicate with the sensors. I opened up the RP Bridge, and this is what I found:

With my other computer, there was a dropdown menu under "Roaster Connected on COM:" and I just had to select "COM 3". I figured it might be a driver issue, so I downloaded what I thought would be the driver that I needed. I still couldn't get that to work. I ended up roasting with no software today, which was a good stretching exercise! 😆 Has anyone had similar issues or know of any solutions?

On a separate note, since I am waiting for my new MacBook to arrive, does anyone know roughly how long it could be before RoastPATH is available for Mac users? If it's not going to be for a year or more and I can't get RP to work on my 2012 laptop, I might return the MacBook and order something with Windows.

Thanks so much for your help! - Jonathan







2021-01-15 13:21

Hi Jonathan,

it should be possible to setup the older laptop with RP. We will reach out to you in order to troubleshoot together and get you up and running.

We do plan to have RoastPATH running on Mac, however, we have just begun evaluating the effort needed to do so. At this time we are unable to determine when it will be available.







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