Coffee & Greens     Supplier

2020-04-14 12:39


Will we be able to add a supplier?

Will there be inventory tracking tied to the roast? When I don't create a blend the roasted "coffee" is also the green? So if have a Honduras green bean and I roast 1kg of it, I have to also input that data as a coffee?







2020-04-14 18:34

At present, inventory remains a manual function.

We've not yet built out an "automated" function because inventory control is only accurate as long as you frequently tare your greens. People often neglect to do so and over sell or over report coffee inventory.

There is a field to identify your supplier when you add a new green coffee.



2020-04-14 19:02

Hi Derek - It's a good question. Here's the help section on Greens & Coffees but I'll also explain a bit below: Inventory tracking is down the road yet but it has informed the way we've structured the relationships between greens, coffee and profiles.

GREENS: Greens are the raw materials or the "components". When we started using RoastPATH in our roastery, the first thing I did was to run down our invoices from Cafe Imports and put all of our individual greens into our "Greens" library. For each 'Green' I can record origin, processing, varietal, supplier, delivery dates, etc. These are our building blocks.

COFFEE: Coffee is the roasted product you're creating with those components (greens). Sometimes a coffee has a few components (a blend) sometimes it has just one component (a single origin). Either way, you will always need to create the "coffee" as that is the main product under which we'll save all of our profile information and eventually, cupping information. On the roast screen, in the pull down on the upper right, you'll choose the coffee that you are roasting and any profiles you roast will be tied to that coffee.

So, if I had a new green in my roastery and I wanted to roast and bag it as a single origin coffee, I'd 1) Add the new green 2) create a new coffee using that green (Pro-tip: there's a short-cut button after I add the green that I can use to quickly create a coffee using that green - in the upper right) and then 3) roast it by selecting that coffee on the roast screen.

Note: If you do not select a coffee, RoastPATH will let you roast but it'll save all your profiles under a coffee called 'Unspecified Coffee' in your coffee library. You can go back into 'Unspecified Coffee" and find those profiles at any time and edit them to belong to the correct coffee that you've created later.

If you have further questions, let me know. Thanks again for the good question.



2021-08-16 15:56

Has there been any progress on inventory tracking? If not how do you guys keep track of your green inventory? I have been using a numbers spreed sheet, but when it comes to preblending, I have struggled with a creating a numbers formula that will do the trick.





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