Coffee Roasting     Gas turning off while pre heating (3KG Digital)

2022-09-09 04:26

Gas turning off while pre heating (3KG Digital)

I have been roasting from the MCR3kg digital for over 9 months, during the first 4 months we didn't have any issues with the roaster. After three months of commercial roasting we faced one issue. When the machine is pre heating suddenly the gas turns off and machine automatically tries to ignite back on but the machine is not letting the gas pass through. I checked the gas cylinder it has gas. to solve this I usually unplug the regulator and plug back or sometimes it get fixed when I turn off roaster and turn on back on. This issue isn't very consistent It doesn't occur all the time some days it happens and for weeks roaster might just work fine. Just want to get bottom of this if anyone have any idea what's happening.







2022-11-09 01:18

There are a few sensors that automatically shut down the burners:

- Pre Heat set Temp
Burners will turn off when the machine reaches the requested temp, then will re ignite once the temp drops again. ( I am pretty sure you know but just mentioning here for everyone to see)
- Drum Door open - If this sensor is not detecting a closed door, it might be telling the roaster to cut off the gas because it thinks you are discharging coffee.
*once the machine is up to temperature(above 150C or 300F if Im not mistaken), open the charge port to start the timer and monitor it. the timer should run continuously. if the timer is stopping then your drum door sensor is detecting an open drum door. - Make sure the little tab that so above the sensor when the door is shut is close enough to the sensor as it can move while cleaning or if someone bumps hard against it.



2022-11-09 15:08

Thanks @Bruno.

@afracoffeelab feel free to email us at to schedule a time to speak about this issue as well.





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