Equipment & Workspaces     MagRFhelic gauge -- tips on using it well

2021-01-28 12:22

MagRFhelic gauge -- tips on using it well

HI all

I was wondering about the use of this gauge a bit better..never really had any info on it or taught anything about it

I just mainly checked it for the airflow or pressure.

However, I recently checked the flow w/ the lighter trick and realized at a negative pressure reading it still had low airflow going. Is it normal?

also there's a change in the airflow reading but just chalked it up to build up in the ducting which makes sense. It's about time to clean.







2021-02-06 16:40

You need to zero out that gauge. Open the charge chute gate, open the drum door, and turn the fan off (set to 0 hz). The needle should rest at 0.

If it doesn't, turn the screw on the bottom of the gauge to zero it out.

You'll then have something other than zero when you do the lighter test.



2021-02-27 18:32

Steve // Mill City Roasters + RoastPATH said:

You need to zero out that gauge. Open the charge chute gate, open the drum door, and turn the fan off (set to 0 hz). The needle should rest at 0.

If it doesn't, turn the screw on the bottom of the gauge to zero it out.

You'll then have something other than zero when you do the lighter test.

Thanks Steve, will do!



2021-03-01 12:50

Steve // Mill City Roasters + RoastPATH said:

You need to zero out that gauge. Open the charge chute gate, open the drum door, and turn the fan off (set to 0 hz). The needle should rest at 0.

If it doesn't, turn the screw on the bottom of the gauge to zero it out.

You'll then have something other than zero when you do the lighter test.

Okay, so im with the 3kg MCR.

I tried zero-ing before warmup, and now I am getting gauge pressures that are shocking me a bit.

50 on the exhaust fan control is reading 11 Pascals. Am I supposed to zero when roaster is warmed up?

Also do you find any "sticking" with the needle? I find both my gas gauge and somewhat on the magrfhelic gauge moving when I tap it (seemingly being tapped into "correct" reading). I am tapping the gauge regularly due to this, because I am getting differentiation of about 0.1 kPa when tapping (gas gauge)



2021-03-02 04:47

The drum pressure gauge is a relative reference and there is no "correct reading. -and quit tapping the gauge.

These are highly sensitive, almost clockwork delicate devices registering extremely low pressure changes. So low the slight variance won't produce any detectable variance in either your roast profile or the cup.



2021-03-16 13:47

ok thanks so much. That's very helpful.

The gas pressure gauge we are using does go off by alot so thats why I was tapping it. Not tapping makes sense though...
It's just that when I do make the gas change it doesn't register it until I move it over a couple tenths of kPa.





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