Business Questions     Steeped Coffee

2021-09-27 21:42

Steeped Coffee

Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone has tried creating packaging for steeped coffee. I lot of people ask about k-cups and I would like to try marketing steeped coffee as an alternative to k cups. Where would I start? Just plain old tea bags? Of the suppliers I use I have not seen any of them advertising anything for this method. Any advice? Is it even worth it?







2021-09-28 10:45

There are a couple of ways to do this, but they aren't terribly popular.

There is a "pour over" type extraction:

A "bag brew" system:

And lastly the good 'ole tea bag:

For all of these, the coffee is pre-ground and losses freshness quickly. The dose is small and extraction is typically minimal. Lastly, coffee is pretty easy and inexpensive to conventionally brew. It's usually cheaper to brew a whole pot and throw half of it away than it is to purchase single 4-6 oz cup servings of prepackaged coffee.

It will appeal to some people, but probably not enough to move your profitability needle.



2021-09-28 11:21

Thanks Steve. I feel for every bag I sell I have two people tell me they wished I did K cups. That whole fad has pushed people to think that is some how a better way for them to brew a cup and head out the door. It is hard for them to see the expense and really just what a terrible way for them to brew coffee that is.
Not sure if steep coffee would be any better, but does seem that it might be cheaper for me to offer steeped coffee as an alternative. 🤷🏼‍♂️

I have not been doing this long enough to know if any of these alternatives are really worth considering. So I thought I would ask before I spend a ton of brain power trying to figure it all out. 😊

But I have ordered some steep coffee from a bougie company to see if theirs is actually good.



2022-03-02 09:01

A bit late to the conversation, but we've tried steeped. They were... okay. If I was camping I'd love it. If I was on a road trip and trying to avoid gas station coffee or in a hotel without good coffee nearby, this would be an agreeable solution. It definitely isn't the same as a K-Cup. For that sort of solution, we've been pushing our office clients towards a grind and brew machine that they can just put our beans into (Spinn or Terra Kaffe are our forerunners at the moment). These might be a bit pricey for the home consumer. We've found that if someone is set enough in their K-cup ways, we're ultimately not going to win them as a customer because they are more concerned about convenience than quality. So, we redouble our efforts elsewhere, especially online where there exists a nearly infinite market for a given product.





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